
public abstract class CommandAbstract

implements ICommand


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
private static ICommandDispatcher
private static final
private static final

Constructor summary

public ()

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
protected static ExceptionInvalidSyntax
a( arg0)
func_184889_a( arg0)
protected static NBTTagCompound
a(sn arg0)
func_184887_a(Entity arg0)
public int
public List<String>
public boolean
a(MinecraftServer arg0, n arg1)
func_184882_a(MinecraftServer arg0, ICommandSender arg1)
canUse(MinecraftServer arg0, ICommandListener arg1)
public List<String>
a(MinecraftServer arg0, n arg1, String[] arg2, co arg3)
func_184883_a(MinecraftServer arg0, ICommandSender arg1, String[] arg2, BlockPos arg3)
tabComplete(MinecraftServer arg0, ICommandListener arg1, String[] arg2, BlockPosition arg3)
public static int
a(String arg0)
func_175755_a(String arg0)
public static int
a(String arg0, int arg1)
func_180528_a(String arg0, int arg1)
public static int
a(String arg0, int arg1, int arg2)
func_175764_a(String arg0, int arg1, int arg2)
public static long
b(String arg0)
func_175766_b(String arg0)
public static long
a(String arg0, long arg1, long arg2)
func_175760_a(String arg0, long arg1, long arg2)
public static BlockPosition
a(n arg0, String[] arg1, int arg2, boolean arg3)
func_175757_a(ICommandSender arg0, String[] arg1, int arg2, boolean arg3)
public static double
c(String arg0)
func_175765_c(String arg0)
public static double
a(String arg0, double arg1)
func_180526_a(String arg0, double arg1)
public static double
a(String arg0, double arg1, double arg2)
func_175756_a(String arg0, double arg1, double arg2)
public static boolean
d(String arg0)
func_180527_d(String arg0)
public static EntityPlayer
a(n arg0)
func_71521_c(ICommandSender arg0)
public static EntityPlayer
a(MinecraftServer arg0, n arg1, String arg2)
func_184888_a(MinecraftServer arg0, ICommandSender arg1, String arg2)
public static Entity
b(MinecraftServer arg0, n arg1, String arg2)
func_184885_b(MinecraftServer arg0, ICommandSender arg1, String arg2)
public static <T extends Entity> T
a(MinecraftServer arg0, n arg1, String arg2, Class<? extends T> arg3)
func_184884_a(MinecraftServer arg0, ICommandSender arg1, String arg2, Class<? extends T> arg3)
public static List<Entity>
c(MinecraftServer arg0, n arg1, String arg2)
func_184890_c(MinecraftServer arg0, ICommandSender arg1, String arg2)
public static String
d(MinecraftServer arg0, n arg1, String arg2)
func_184886_d(MinecraftServer arg0, ICommandSender arg1, String arg2)
public static String
e(MinecraftServer arg0, n arg1, String arg2)
func_184891_e(MinecraftServer arg0, ICommandSender arg1, String arg2)
public static IChatBaseComponent
a(n arg0, String[] arg1, int arg2)
func_147178_a(ICommandSender arg0, String[] arg1, int arg2)
public static IChatBaseComponent
b(n arg0, String[] arg1, int arg2, boolean arg3)
func_147176_a(ICommandSender arg0, String[] arg1, int arg2, boolean arg3)
public static String
a(String[] arg0, int arg1)
func_180529_a(String[] arg0, int arg1)
public static CommandAbstract$CommandNumber
a(double arg0, String arg1, boolean arg2)
func_175770_a(double arg0, String arg1, boolean arg2)
public static CommandAbstract$CommandNumber
a(double arg0, String arg1, int arg2, int arg3, boolean arg4)
func_175767_a(double arg0, String arg1, int arg2, int arg3, boolean arg4)
public static double
b(double arg0, String arg1, boolean arg2)
func_175761_b(double arg0, String arg1, boolean arg2)
public static double
b(double arg0, String arg1, int arg2, int arg3, boolean arg4)
func_175769_b(double arg0, String arg1, int arg2, int arg3, boolean arg4)
public static Item
a(n arg0, String arg1)
func_147179_f(ICommandSender arg0, String arg1)
public static Block
b(n arg0, String arg1)
func_147180_g(ICommandSender arg0, String arg1)
public static IBlockData
a(alu arg0, String arg1)
func_190794_a(Block arg0, String arg1)
private static <T extends Comparable<T>> IBlockData
a(atl arg0, aub<T> arg1, Comparable<?> arg2)
func_190793_a(IBlockState arg0, IProperty<T> arg1, Comparable<?> arg2)
public static<IBlockData>
b(alu arg0, String arg1)
func_190791_b(Block arg0, String arg1)
private static Map<IBlockState<?>, Comparable<?>>
c(alu arg0, String arg1)
func_190795_c(Block arg0, String arg1)
private static <T extends Comparable<T>> T
a(aub<T> arg0, String arg1)
func_190792_a(IProperty<T> arg0, String arg1)
public static String
a(Object[] arg0)
func_71527_a(Object[] arg0)
public static IChatBaseComponent
a(List<fb> arg0)
func_180530_a(List<ITextComponent> arg0)
public static String
a(Collection<String> arg0)
func_96333_a(Collection<String> arg0)
public static List<String>
a(String[] arg0, int arg1, co arg2)
func_175771_a(String[] arg0, int arg1, BlockPos arg2)
public static List<String>
b(String[] arg0, int arg1, co arg2)
func_181043_b(String[] arg0, int arg1, BlockPos arg2)
public static boolean
a(String arg0, String arg1)
func_71523_a(String arg0, String arg1)
public static List<String>
a(String[] arg0, String... arg1)
func_71530_a(String[] arg0, String... arg1)
public static List<String>
a(String[] arg0, Collection<?> arg1)
func_175762_a(String[] arg0, Collection<?> arg1)
public boolean
b(String[] arg0, int arg1)
func_82358_a(String[] arg0, int arg1)
isListStart(String[] arg0, int arg1)
public static void
a(n arg0, l arg1, String arg2, Object... arg3)
func_152373_a(ICommandSender arg0, ICommand arg1, String arg2, Object... arg3)
public static void
a(n arg0, l arg1, int arg2, String arg3, Object... arg4)
func_152374_a(ICommandSender arg0, ICommand arg1, int arg2, String arg3, Object... arg4)
public static void
a(i arg0)
func_71529_a(ICommandListener arg0)
public int
a(l arg0)
compareTo(ICommand arg0)