
public class BlockStructure

extends BlockTileEntity

All mapped superinterfaces:

IMaterial, ITileEntity


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
public static final BlockStateEnum<BlockPropertyStructureMode>

Constructor summary

protected (Block$Info arg0)

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public TileEntity
a(axj arg0)
func_196283_a_(IBlockReader arg0)
public boolean
a(blb arg0, axx arg1, el arg2, aof arg3, adk arg4, eq arg5, float arg6, float arg7, float arg8)
func_196250_a(IBlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2, EntityPlayer arg3, EnumHand arg4, EnumFacing arg5, float arg6, float arg7, float arg8)
interact(IBlockData arg0, World arg1, BlockPosition arg2, EntityHuman arg3, EnumHand arg4, EnumDirection arg5, float arg6, float arg7, float arg8)
public void
a(axx arg0, el arg1, blb arg2, afa arg3, atd arg4)
func_180633_a(World arg0, BlockPos arg1, IBlockState arg2, EntityLivingBase arg3, ItemStack arg4)
postPlace(World arg0, BlockPosition arg1, IBlockData arg2, EntityLiving arg3, ItemStack arg4)
public int
a(blb arg0, Random arg1)
func_196264_a(IBlockState arg0, Random arg1)
public EnumRenderType
c(blb arg0)
func_149645_b(IBlockState arg0)
public IBlockData
a(arj arg0)
func_196258_a(BlockItemUseContext arg0)
getPlacedState(BlockActionContext arg0)
protected void
a(bld$a<bcr, blb> arg0)
func_206840_a(StateContainer$Builder<Block, IBlockState> arg0)
public void
a(blb arg0, axx arg1, el arg2, bcr arg3, el arg4)
func_189540_a(IBlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2, Block arg3, BlockPos arg4)
doPhysics(IBlockData arg0, World arg1, BlockPosition arg2, Block arg3, BlockPosition arg4)
private void
a(bke arg0)
func_189874_a(TileEntityStructure arg0)