
public class BlockEnchantmentTable

extends BlockTileEntity

All mapped superinterfaces:

IMaterial, ITileEntity


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
protected static final VoxelShape

Constructor summary

protected (Block$Info arg0)

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public boolean
n(bvo arg0)
method_9526(class_2680 arg0)
hasSidedTransparency(BlockState arg0)
func_220074_n(BlockState arg0)
public VoxelShape
a(bvo arg0, bgw arg1, ev arg2, csg arg3)
method_9530(class_2680 arg0, class_1922 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_3726 arg3)
getOutlineShape(BlockState arg0, BlockView arg1, BlockPos arg2, EntityContext arg3)
func_220053_a(BlockState arg0, IBlockReader arg1, BlockPos arg2, ISelectionContext arg3)
public EnumRenderType
c(bvo arg0)
method_9604(class_2680 arg0)
getRenderType(BlockState arg0)
func_149645_b(BlockState arg0)
public TileEntity
a(bgw arg0)
method_10123(class_1922 arg0)
createBlockEntity(BlockView arg0)
func_196283_a_(IBlockReader arg0)
createTile(IBlockAccess arg0)
public boolean
a(bvo arg0, bhm arg1, ev arg2, awb arg3, ahf arg4, crx arg5)
method_9534(class_2680 arg0, class_1937 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_1657 arg3, class_1268 arg4, class_3965 arg5)
activate(BlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2, PlayerEntity arg3, Hand arg4, BlockHitResult arg5)
func_220051_a(BlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2, PlayerEntity arg3, Hand arg4, BlockRayTraceResult arg5)
interact(IBlockData arg0, World arg1, BlockPosition arg2, EntityHuman arg3, EnumHand arg4, MovingObjectPositionBlock arg5)
public ITileInventory
b(bvo arg0, bhm arg1, ev arg2)
method_17454(class_2680 arg0, class_1937 arg1, class_2338 arg2)
createContainerProvider(BlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2)
func_220052_b(BlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2)
getInventory(IBlockData arg0, World arg1, BlockPosition arg2)
public void
a(bhm arg0, ev arg1, bvo arg2, aiu arg3, bce arg4)
method_9567(class_1937 arg0, class_2338 arg1, class_2680 arg2, class_1309 arg3, class_1799 arg4)
onPlaced(World arg0, BlockPos arg1, BlockState arg2, LivingEntity arg3, ItemStack arg4)
func_180633_a(World arg0, BlockPos arg1, BlockState arg2, LivingEntity arg3, ItemStack arg4)
postPlace(World arg0, BlockPosition arg1, IBlockData arg2, EntityLiving arg3, ItemStack arg4)
public boolean
a(bvo arg0, bgw arg1, ev arg2, cnn arg3)
method_9516(class_2680 arg0, class_1922 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_10 arg3)
canPlaceAtSide(BlockState arg0, BlockView arg1, BlockPos arg2, BlockPlacementEnvironment arg3)
func_196266_a(BlockState arg0, IBlockReader arg1, BlockPos arg2, PathType arg3)
public void
a(bvo arg0, bhm arg1, ev arg2, Random arg3)
method_9496(class_2680 arg0, class_1937 arg1, class_2338 arg2, Random arg3)
randomDisplayTick(BlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2, Random arg3)
func_180655_c(BlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2, Random arg3)