
public class FaceBakery


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
private static final float
private static final float

Constructor summary

public ()

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public BakedQuad
a(e arg0, e arg1, drm arg2, eag arg3, fp arg4, ebz arg5, drn arg6, boolean arg7, sm arg8)
bakeQuad(Vector3f arg0, Vector3f arg1, BlockElementFace arg2, TextureAtlasSprite arg3, Direction arg4, ModelState arg5, BlockElementRotation arg6, boolean arg7, ResourceLocation arg8)
method_3468(class_1160 arg0, class_1160 arg1, class_783 arg2, class_1058 arg3, class_2350 arg4, class_3665 arg5, class_789 arg6, boolean arg7, class_2960 arg8)
m_nfycderg(C_zviwfwgf arg0, C_zviwfwgf arg1, C_qcpuubnf arg2, C_uflrwbwt arg3, C_xpuuihxf arg4, C_vucyqort arg5, C_rruqzaih arg6, boolean arg7, C_ncpywfca arg8)
bake(Vector3f from, Vector3f to, ModelElementFace face, Sprite texture, Direction side, ModelBakeSettings settings, ModelRotation rotation, boolean shade, Identifier modelId)
func_228824_a_(Vector3f arg0, Vector3f arg1, BlockPartFace arg2, TextureAtlasSprite arg3, Direction arg4, IModelTransform arg5, BlockPartRotation arg6, boolean arg7, ResourceLocation arg8)
public static BlockFaceUV
a(dro arg0, fp arg1, d arg2, sm arg3)
recomputeUVs(BlockFaceUV arg0, Direction arg1, Transformation arg2, ResourceLocation arg3)
method_3454(class_787 arg0, class_2350 arg1, class_4590 arg2, class_2960 arg3)
m_ppfazspq(C_ljanghzk arg0, C_xpuuihxf arg1, C_qvfggwhk arg2, C_ncpywfca arg3)
uvLock(ModelElementTexture texture, Direction orientation, Rotation3 rotation, Identifier modelId)
func_228821_a_(BlockFaceUV arg0, Direction arg1, TransformationMatrix arg2, ResourceLocation arg3)
private int[]
a(dro arg0, eag arg1, fp arg2, float[] arg3, d arg4, drn arg5, boolean arg6)
makeVertices(BlockFaceUV arg0, TextureAtlasSprite arg1, Direction arg2, float[] arg3, Transformation arg4, BlockElementRotation arg5, boolean arg6)
method_3458(class_787 arg0, class_1058 arg1, class_2350 arg2, float[] arg3, class_4590 arg4, class_789 arg5, boolean arg6)
m_lgpkkhov(C_ljanghzk arg0, C_uflrwbwt arg1, C_xpuuihxf arg2, float[] arg3, C_qvfggwhk arg4, C_rruqzaih arg5, boolean arg6)
packVertexData(ModelElementTexture texture, Sprite sprite, Direction direction, float[] positionMatrix, Rotation3 orientation, ModelRotation rotation, boolean shaded)
func_228820_a_(BlockFaceUV arg0, TextureAtlasSprite arg1, Direction arg2, float[] arg3, TransformationMatrix arg4, BlockPartRotation arg5, boolean arg6)
private int
a(fp arg0)
getShadeValue(Direction arg0)
method_3457(class_2350 arg0)
m_ztxbmplk(C_xpuuihxf arg0)
getLightmapCoordinate(Direction direction)
func_178413_a(Direction arg0)
private float
b(fp arg0)
getShade(Direction arg0)
method_3456(class_2350 arg0)
m_hxxebnom(C_xpuuihxf arg0)
getRelativeDirectionalBrightness(Direction direction)
func_178412_b(Direction arg0)
private float[]
a(e arg0, e arg1)
setupShape(Vector3f arg0, Vector3f arg1)
method_3459(class_1160 arg0, class_1160 arg1)
m_vcnikggm(C_zviwfwgf arg0, C_zviwfwgf arg1)
getPositionMatrix(Vector3f from, Vector3f to)
func_199337_a(Vector3f arg0, Vector3f arg1)
private void
a(int[] arg0, int arg1, fp arg2, dro arg3, float[] arg4, eag arg5, d arg6, drn arg7, boolean arg8)
bakeVertex(int[] arg0, int arg1, Direction arg2, BlockFaceUV arg3, float[] arg4, TextureAtlasSprite arg5, Transformation arg6, BlockElementRotation arg7, boolean arg8)
method_3461(int[] arg0, int arg1, class_2350 arg2, class_787 arg3, float[] arg4, class_1058 arg5, class_4590 arg6, class_789 arg7, boolean arg8)
m_mjnucnhu(int[] arg0, int arg1, C_xpuuihxf arg2, C_ljanghzk arg3, float[] arg4, C_uflrwbwt arg5, C_qvfggwhk arg6, C_rruqzaih arg7, boolean arg8)
packVertexData(int[] vertices, int cornerIndex, Direction direction, ModelElementTexture texture, float[] positionMatrix, Sprite sprite, Rotation3 orientation, ModelRotation rotation, boolean shaded)
func_228827_a_(int[] arg0, int arg1, Direction arg2, BlockFaceUV arg3, float[] arg4, TextureAtlasSprite arg5, TransformationMatrix arg6, BlockPartRotation arg7, boolean arg8)
private void
a(int[] arg0, int arg1, e arg2, int arg3, eag arg4, dro arg5)
fillVertex(int[] arg0, int arg1, Vector3f arg2, int arg3, TextureAtlasSprite arg4, BlockFaceUV arg5)
method_3460(int[] arg0, int arg1, class_1160 arg2, int arg3, class_1058 arg4, class_787 arg5)
m_ssqldkxw(int[] arg0, int arg1, C_zviwfwgf arg2, int arg3, C_uflrwbwt arg4, C_ljanghzk arg5)
packVertexData(int[] vertices, int cornerIndex, Vector3f position, int brightness, Sprite sprite, ModelElementTexture texture)
func_228826_a_(int[] arg0, int arg1, Vector3f arg2, int arg3, TextureAtlasSprite arg4, BlockFaceUV arg5)
private void
a(e arg0, drn arg1)
applyElementRotation(Vector3f arg0, BlockElementRotation arg1)
method_3463(class_1160 arg0, class_789 arg1)
m_cctcnvlo(C_zviwfwgf arg0, C_rruqzaih arg1)
rotateVertex(Vector3f vector, ModelRotation rotation)
func_199336_a(Vector3f arg0, BlockPartRotation arg1)
public void
a(e arg0, d arg1)
applyModelRotation(Vector3f arg0, Transformation arg1)
method_3455(class_1160 arg0, class_4590 arg1)
m_glkjqosm(C_zviwfwgf arg0, C_qvfggwhk arg1)
transformVertex(Vector3f vertex, Rotation3 transformation)
func_228822_a_(Vector3f arg0, TransformationMatrix arg1)
private void
a(e arg0, e arg1, b arg2, e arg3)
rotateVertexBy(Vector3f arg0, Vector3f arg1, Matrix4f arg2, Vector3f arg3)
method_3464(class_1160 arg0, class_1160 arg1, class_1159 arg2, class_1160 arg3)
m_adxdtilm(C_zviwfwgf arg0, C_zviwfwgf arg1, C_gxvddjib arg2, C_zviwfwgf arg3)
transformVertex(Vector3f vertex, Vector3f origin, Matrix4f transformationMatrix, Vector3f scale)
func_228823_a_(Vector3f arg0, Vector3f arg1, Matrix4f arg2, Vector3f arg3)
public static Direction
a(int[] arg0)
calculateFacing(int[] arg0)
method_3467(int[] arg0)
m_prwsdmiy(int[] arg0)
decodeDirection(int[] rotationMatrix)
func_178410_a(int[] arg0)
private void
a(int[] arg0, fp arg1)
recalculateWinding(int[] arg0, Direction arg1)
method_3462(int[] arg0, class_2350 arg1)
m_tacltrky(int[] arg0, C_xpuuihxf arg1)
encodeDirection(int[] rotationMatrix, Direction direction)
func_178408_a(int[] arg0, Direction arg1)