public class SnowLayerBlock

extends Block

All mapped superinterfaces:



Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
public static final IntegerProperty
protected static final VoxelShape[]

Constructor summary

protected (BlockBehaviour$Properties arg0)

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public boolean
a(cee arg0, bqz arg1, fx arg2, cxb arg3)
isPathfindable(BlockState arg0, BlockGetter arg1, BlockPos arg2, PathComputationType arg3)
method_9516(class_2680 arg0, class_1922 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_10 arg3)
m_rwctfady(C_txtbiemp arg0, C_peaveboq arg1, C_hynzadkk arg2, C_kjwlgpfr arg3)
canPathfindThrough(BlockState arg0, BlockView arg1, BlockPos arg2, NavigationType arg3)
func_196266_a(BlockState arg0, IBlockReader arg1, BlockPos arg2, PathType arg3)
public VoxelShape
b(cee arg0, bqz arg1, fx arg2, dcp arg3)
getShape(BlockState arg0, BlockGetter arg1, BlockPos arg2, CollisionContext arg3)
method_9530(class_2680 arg0, class_1922 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_3726 arg3)
m_fqngyjtr(C_txtbiemp arg0, C_peaveboq arg1, C_hynzadkk arg2, C_pbfjvesm arg3)
getOutlineShape(BlockState arg0, BlockView arg1, BlockPos arg2, ShapeContext arg3)
func_220053_a(BlockState arg0, IBlockReader arg1, BlockPos arg2, ISelectionContext arg3)
public VoxelShape
c(cee arg0, bqz arg1, fx arg2, dcp arg3)
getCollisionShape(BlockState arg0, BlockGetter arg1, BlockPos arg2, CollisionContext arg3)
method_9549(class_2680 arg0, class_1922 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_3726 arg3)
m_phzfypqf(C_txtbiemp arg0, C_peaveboq arg1, C_hynzadkk arg2, C_pbfjvesm arg3)
getCollisionShape(BlockState arg0, BlockView arg1, BlockPos arg2, ShapeContext arg3)
func_220071_b(BlockState arg0, IBlockReader arg1, BlockPos arg2, ISelectionContext arg3)
public VoxelShape
e(cee arg0, bqz arg1, fx arg2)
getBlockSupportShape(BlockState arg0, BlockGetter arg1, BlockPos arg2)
method_25959(class_2680 arg0, class_1922 arg1, class_2338 arg2)
m_wnvttjnv(C_txtbiemp arg0, C_peaveboq arg1, C_hynzadkk arg2)
getSidesShape(BlockState arg0, BlockView arg1, BlockPos arg2)
func_230335_e_(BlockState arg0, IBlockReader arg1, BlockPos arg2)
public VoxelShape
a(cee arg0, bqz arg1, fx arg2, dcp arg3)
getVisualShape(BlockState arg0, BlockGetter arg1, BlockPos arg2, CollisionContext arg3)
method_26159(class_2680 arg0, class_1922 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_3726 arg3)
m_zqsszxeb(C_txtbiemp arg0, C_peaveboq arg1, C_hynzadkk arg2, C_pbfjvesm arg3)
getVisualShape(BlockState arg0, BlockView arg1, BlockPos arg2, ShapeContext arg3)
func_230322_a_(BlockState arg0, IBlockReader arg1, BlockPos arg2, ISelectionContext arg3)
public boolean
c_(cee arg0)
useShapeForLightOcclusion(BlockState arg0)
method_9526(class_2680 arg0)
m_mfmohedo(C_txtbiemp arg0)
hasSidedTransparency(BlockState arg0)
func_220074_n(BlockState arg0)
public boolean
a(cee arg0, brw arg1, fx arg2)
canSurvive(BlockState arg0, LevelReader arg1, BlockPos arg2)
method_9558(class_2680 arg0, class_4538 arg1, class_2338 arg2)
m_qixajhot(C_txtbiemp arg0, C_eemzphbi arg1, C_hynzadkk arg2)
canPlaceAt(BlockState arg0, WorldView arg1, BlockPos arg2)
func_196260_a(BlockState arg0, IWorldReader arg1, BlockPos arg2)
canPlace(IBlockData arg0, IWorldReader arg1, BlockPosition arg2)
public BlockState
a(cee arg0, gc arg1, cee arg2, brv arg3, fx arg4, fx arg5)
updateShape(BlockState arg0, Direction arg1, BlockState arg2, LevelAccessor arg3, BlockPos arg4, BlockPos arg5)
method_9559(class_2680 arg0, class_2350 arg1, class_2680 arg2, class_1936 arg3, class_2338 arg4, class_2338 arg5)
m_yvunqpeq(C_txtbiemp arg0, C_xpuuihxf arg1, C_txtbiemp arg2, C_vdvbsyle arg3, C_hynzadkk arg4, C_hynzadkk arg5)
getStateForNeighborUpdate(BlockState arg0, Direction arg1, BlockState arg2, WorldAccess arg3, BlockPos arg4, BlockPos arg5)
func_196271_a(BlockState arg0, Direction arg1, BlockState arg2, IWorld arg3, BlockPos arg4, BlockPos arg5)
updateState(IBlockData arg0, EnumDirection arg1, IBlockData arg2, GeneratorAccess arg3, BlockPosition arg4, BlockPosition arg5)
public void
b(cee arg0, aag arg1, fx arg2, Random arg3)
randomTick(BlockState arg0, ServerLevel arg1, BlockPos arg2, Random arg3)
method_9514(class_2680 arg0, class_3218 arg1, class_2338 arg2, Random arg3)
m_sdymngiw(C_txtbiemp arg0, C_bdwnwhiu arg1, C_hynzadkk arg2, Random arg3)
randomTick(BlockState arg0, ServerWorld arg1, BlockPos arg2, Random arg3)
func_225542_b_(BlockState arg0, ServerWorld arg1, BlockPos arg2, Random arg3)
tick(IBlockData arg0, WorldServer arg1, BlockPosition arg2, Random arg3)
public boolean
a(cee arg0, bnv arg1)
canBeReplaced(BlockState arg0, BlockPlaceContext arg1)
method_9616(class_2680 arg0, class_1750 arg1)
m_qzmkwuwe(C_txtbiemp arg0, C_aiootljq arg1)
canReplace(BlockState arg0, ItemPlacementContext arg1)
func_196253_a(BlockState arg0, BlockItemUseContext arg1)
public BlockState
a(bnv arg0)
getStateForPlacement(BlockPlaceContext arg0)
method_9605(class_1750 arg0)
m_iwedynhy(C_aiootljq arg0)
getPlacementState(ItemPlacementContext arg0)
func_196258_a(BlockItemUseContext arg0)
getPlacedState(BlockActionContext arg0)
protected void
a(cef$a<bul, cee> arg0)
createBlockStateDefinition(StateDefinition$Builder<Block, BlockState> arg0)
method_9515(class_2689$class_2690<class_2248, class_2680> arg0)
m_yujtcnah(C_ezfeikaq$C_mfnsmxhw<C_mmxmpdoq, C_txtbiemp> arg0)
appendProperties(StateManager$Builder<Block, BlockState> arg0)
func_206840_a(StateContainer$Builder<Block, BlockState> arg0)