
public abstract class RenderLayer<T extends Entity, M extends EntityModel<T>>


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
private final RenderLayerParent<T, M>

Constructor summary

public (RenderLayerParent<T, M> context)

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
protected static <T extends LivingEntity> void
a(efz<T> arg0, efz<T> arg1, ww arg2, dqk arg3, enh arg4, int arg5, T arg6, float arg7, float arg8, float arg9, float arg10, float arg11, float arg12, float arg13, float arg14, float arg15)
coloredCutoutModelCopyLayerRender(EntityModel<T> arg0, EntityModel<T> arg1, ResourceLocation arg2, PoseStack arg3, MultiBufferSource arg4, int arg5, T arg6, float arg7, float arg8, float arg9, float arg10, float arg11, float arg12, float arg13, float arg14, float arg15)
method_23196(class_583<T> arg0, class_583<T> arg1, class_2960 arg2, class_4587 arg3, class_4597 arg4, int arg5, T arg6, float arg7, float arg8, float arg9, float arg10, float arg11, float arg12, float arg13, float arg14, float arg15)
m_hirbfewf(C_fouvqrqy<T> arg0, C_fouvqrqy<T> arg1, C_ncpywfca arg2, C_cnszsxvd arg3, C_igrgeffe arg4, int arg5, T arg6, float arg7, float arg8, float arg9, float arg10, float arg11, float arg12, float arg13, float arg14, float arg15)
render(EntityModel<T> contextModel, EntityModel<T> model, Identifier texture, MatrixStack matrices, VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumers, int light, T entity, float limbAngle, float limbDistance, float age, float headYaw, float headPitch, float tickDelta, float red, float green, float blue)
m_117359_(C_3819_<T> p_117360_, C_3819_<T> p_117361_, C_5265_ p_117362_, C_3181_ p_117363_, C_4139_ p_117364_, int p_117365_, T p_117366_, float p_117367_, float p_117368_, float p_117369_, float p_117370_, float p_117371_, float p_117372_, float p_117373_, float p_117374_, float p_117375_)
protected static <T extends LivingEntity> void
a(efz<T> arg0, ww arg1, dqk arg2, enh arg3, int arg4, T arg5, float arg6, float arg7, float arg8)
renderColoredCutoutModel(EntityModel<T> arg0, ResourceLocation arg1, PoseStack arg2, MultiBufferSource arg3, int arg4, T arg5, float arg6, float arg7, float arg8)
method_23199(class_583<T> arg0, class_2960 arg1, class_4587 arg2, class_4597 arg3, int arg4, T arg5, float arg6, float arg7, float arg8)
m_oqkkoule(C_fouvqrqy<T> arg0, C_ncpywfca arg1, C_cnszsxvd arg2, C_igrgeffe arg3, int arg4, T arg5, float arg6, float arg7, float arg8)
renderModel(EntityModel<T> model, Identifier texture, MatrixStack matrices, VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumers, int light, T entity, float red, float green, float blue)
m_117376_(C_3819_<T> p_117377_, C_5265_ p_117378_, C_3181_ p_117379_, C_4139_ p_117380_, int p_117381_, T p_117382_, float p_117383_, float p_117384_, float p_117385_)
public M
protected ResourceLocation
a(T arg0)
getTextureLocation(T arg0)
method_23194(T arg0)
m_dmlaocwf(T arg0)
getTexture(T entity)
m_117347_(T arg0)
public abstract void
a(dqk arg0, enh arg1, int arg2, T arg3, float arg4, float arg5, float arg6, float arg7, float arg8, float arg9)
render(PoseStack arg0, MultiBufferSource arg1, int arg2, T arg3, float arg4, float arg5, float arg6, float arg7, float arg8, float arg9)
method_4199(class_4587 arg0, class_4597 arg1, int arg2, T arg3, float arg4, float arg5, float arg6, float arg7, float arg8, float arg9)
m_pxxnotol(C_cnszsxvd arg0, C_igrgeffe arg1, int arg2, T arg3, float arg4, float arg5, float arg6, float arg7, float arg8, float arg9)
render(MatrixStack matrices, VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumers, int light, T entity, float limbAngle, float limbDistance, float tickDelta, float animationProgress, float headYaw, float headPitch)
m_6494_(C_3181_ p_117350_, C_4139_ p_117351_, int p_117352_, T p_117353_, float p_117354_, float p_117355_, float p_117356_, float p_117357_, float p_117358_, float arg9)