public abstract class RecipeProvider

implements DataProvider


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
final PackOutput$PathProvider
final PackOutput$PathProvider
private static final Map<BlockFamily$Variant, BiFunction<ItemLike, ItemLike, RecipeBuilder>>

Constructor summary

public (PackOutput output)

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public CompletableFuture<?>
a(jg arg0)
run(CachedOutput arg0)
method_10319(class_7403 arg0)
m_gpszpvej(C_temnquoh arg0)
run(DataWriter arg0)
run(DataWriter arg0)
m_213708_(C_213475_ arg0)
protected CompletableFuture<?>
a(jg arg0, af arg1)
buildAdvancement(CachedOutput arg0, AdvancementHolder arg1)
method_46206(class_7403 arg0, class_8779 arg1)
m_whnryawf(C_temnquoh arg0, C_unoypvme arg1)
saveRecipeAdvancement(DataWriter cache, AdvancementEntry advancement)
saveAdvancement(DataWriter writer, C_unoypvme arg1)
m_253240_(C_213475_ p_297687_, C_290295_ arg1)
protected abstract void
a(lt arg0)
buildRecipes(RecipeOutput arg0)
method_10419(class_8790 arg0)
m_gdnqvign(C_nykrdyol arg0)
generate(RecipeExporter exporter)
generateRecipes(lt arg0)
m_245200_(C_290160_ arg0)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, cec arg1)
generateForEnabledBlockFamilies(RecipeOutput arg0, FeatureFlagSet arg1)
method_46207(class_8790 arg0, class_7699 arg1)
m_swubibgw(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_czxxrbcp arg1)
generateFamilies(RecipeExporter exporter, FeatureSet enabledFeatures)
generateFamilies(lt arg0, FeatureFlagBitSet featureFlags)
m_247051_(C_290160_ p_300618_, C_243488_ p_251836_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2, String arg3)
oneToOneConversionRecipe(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2, String arg3)
method_36444(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2, String arg3)
m_qhnsxugw(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, String arg3)
offerSingleOutputShapelessRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input, String group)
m_176551_(C_290160_ p_299023_, C_1595_ p_176553_, C_1595_ p_176554_, String p_176555_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2, String arg3, int arg4)
oneToOneConversionRecipe(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2, String arg3, int arg4)
method_36445(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2, String arg3, int arg4)
m_wbhgeowa(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, String arg3, int arg4)
offerShapelessRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input, String group, int outputCount)
m_176556_(C_290160_ p_301230_, C_1595_ p_176558_, C_1595_ p_176559_, String p_176560_, int p_176561_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, List<cpu> arg1, ls arg2, cpu arg3, float arg4, int arg5, String arg6)
oreSmelting(RecipeOutput arg0, List<ItemLike> arg1, RecipeCategory arg2, ItemLike arg3, float arg4, int arg5, String arg6)
method_36233(class_8790 arg0, List<class_1935> arg1, class_7800 arg2, class_1935 arg3, float arg4, int arg5, String arg6)
m_qvyohqjn(C_nykrdyol arg0, List<C_gmbqjnle> arg1, C_ehjomvtz arg2, C_gmbqjnle arg3, float arg4, int arg5, String arg6)
offerSmelting(RecipeExporter exporter, List<ItemConvertible> inputs, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, float experience, int cookingTime, String group)
offerSmelting(lt arg0, List<ItemConvertible> inputs, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, float experience, int cookingTime, String group)
m_246272_(C_290160_ p_300202_, List<C_1595_> p_250172_, C_243442_ p_250588_, C_1595_ p_251868_, float p_250789_, int p_252144_, String p_251687_)
protected static void
b(lt arg0, List<cpu> arg1, ls arg2, cpu arg3, float arg4, int arg5, String arg6)
oreBlasting(RecipeOutput arg0, List<ItemLike> arg1, RecipeCategory arg2, ItemLike arg3, float arg4, int arg5, String arg6)
method_36234(class_8790 arg0, List<class_1935> arg1, class_7800 arg2, class_1935 arg3, float arg4, int arg5, String arg6)
m_mbxwigak(C_nykrdyol arg0, List<C_gmbqjnle> arg1, C_ehjomvtz arg2, C_gmbqjnle arg3, float arg4, int arg5, String arg6)
offerBlasting(RecipeExporter exporter, List<ItemConvertible> inputs, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, float experience, int cookingTime, String group)
offerBlasting(lt arg0, List<ItemConvertible> inputs, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, float experience, int cookingTime, String group)
m_245412_(C_290160_ p_298528_, List<C_1595_> p_251504_, C_243442_ p_248846_, C_1595_ p_249735_, float p_248783_, int p_250303_, String p_251984_)
private static void
a(lt arg0, cmm<? extends clr> arg1, List<cpu> arg2, ls arg3, cpu arg4, float arg5, int arg6, String arg7, String arg8)
oreCooking(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeSerializer<? extends AbstractCookingRecipe> arg1, List<ItemLike> arg2, RecipeCategory arg3, ItemLike arg4, float arg5, int arg6, String arg7, String arg8)
method_36232(class_8790 arg0, class_1865<? extends class_1874> arg1, List<class_1935> arg2, class_7800 arg3, class_1935 arg4, float arg5, int arg6, String arg7, String arg8)
m_xguoubos(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_xfxrkzjt<? extends C_hpjdwiwu> arg1, List<C_gmbqjnle> arg2, C_ehjomvtz arg3, C_gmbqjnle arg4, float arg5, int arg6, String arg7, String arg8)
offerMultipleOptions(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeSerializer<? extends AbstractCookingRecipe> serializer, List<ItemConvertible> inputs, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, float experience, int cookingTime, String group, String method)
offerMultipleOptions(lt arg0, RecipeSerializer<? extends AbstractCookingRecipe> serializer, List<ItemConvertible> inputs, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, float experience, int cookingTime, String group, String baseIdString)
m_245809_(C_290160_ p_297621_, C_1471_<? extends C_1451_> p_251817_, List<C_1595_> p_249619_, C_243442_ p_251154_, C_1595_ p_250066_, float p_251871_, int p_251316_, String p_251450_, String p_249236_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, cja arg1, ls arg2, cja arg3)
netheriteSmithing(RecipeOutput arg0, Item arg1, RecipeCategory arg2, Item arg3)
method_29728(class_8790 arg0, class_1792 arg1, class_7800 arg2, class_1792 arg3)
m_cxupxdin(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_vorddnax arg1, C_ehjomvtz arg2, C_vorddnax arg3)
offerNetheriteUpgradeRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, Item input, RecipeCategory category, Item result)
offerNetheriteUpgradeRecipe(lt arg0, Item output, RecipeCategory category, Item input)
m_246630_(C_290160_ p_298409_, C_1381_ p_250046_, C_243442_ p_248986_, C_1381_ p_250389_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, cja arg1, aew arg2)
trimSmithing(RecipeOutput arg0, Item arg1, ResourceLocation arg2)
method_48530(class_8790 arg0, class_1792 arg1, class_2960 arg2)
m_wdnyqqas(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_vorddnax arg1, C_ncpywfca arg2)
offerSmithingTrimRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, Item template, Identifier recipeId)
offerTrimSmithingRecipe(lt arg0, Item template, Identifier recipeId)
m_284421_(C_290160_ p_297574_, C_1381_ p_285461_, C_5265_ p_285044_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, cpu arg3)
twoByTwoPacker(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, ItemLike arg3)
method_46209(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_1935 arg3)
m_wyltehpy(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_gmbqjnle arg3)
offer2x2CompactingRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerTwoByTwoCompactingRecipe(lt arg0, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_247540_(C_290160_ p_297675_, C_243442_ p_250881_, C_1595_ p_252184_, C_1595_ p_249710_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, cpu arg3, String arg4)
threeByThreePacker(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, ItemLike arg3, String arg4)
method_47521(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_1935 arg3, String arg4)
m_ivaykuun(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_gmbqjnle arg3, String arg4)
offerCompactingRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input, String criterionName)
m_257994_(C_290160_ p_298075_, C_243442_ p_259247_, C_1595_ p_259376_, C_1595_ p_259717_, String p_260308_)
protected static void
b(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, cpu arg3)
threeByThreePacker(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, ItemLike arg3)
method_47522(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_1935 arg3)
m_nzezdjmx(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_gmbqjnle arg3)
offerCompactingRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_258049_(C_290160_ p_299853_, C_243442_ p_259186_, C_1595_ p_259360_, C_1595_ p_259263_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, cpu arg1, aqh<cja> arg2, int arg3)
planksFromLog(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, TagKey<Item> arg2, int arg3)
method_24475(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_6862<class_1792> arg2, int arg3)
m_nntsapye(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_ednuhnnn<C_vorddnax> arg2, int arg3)
offerPlanksRecipe2(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, TagKey<Item> input, int count)
offerPlanksRecipe2(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, TagKey<Item> ingredientTag, int outputCount)
m_257929_(C_290160_ p_298877_, C_1595_ p_259052_, C_203208_<C_1381_> p_259045_, int p_259471_)
protected static void
b(lt arg0, cpu arg1, aqh<cja> arg2, int arg3)
planksFromLogs(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, TagKey<Item> arg2, int arg3)
method_24477(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_6862<class_1792> arg2, int arg3)
m_fdhhixrs(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_ednuhnnn<C_vorddnax> arg2, int arg3)
offerPlanksRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, TagKey<Item> input, int count)
offerPlanksRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, TagKey<Item> ingredientTag, int outputCount)
m_257424_(C_290160_ p_298139_, C_1595_ p_259193_, C_203208_<C_1381_> p_259818_, int p_259807_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
woodFromLogs(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_24476(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_bmjpbpwo(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerBarkBlockRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerBarkBlockRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126002_(C_290160_ p_298359_, C_1595_ p_126004_, C_1595_ p_126005_)
protected static void
b(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
woodenBoat(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_24478(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_jjtsumiq(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerBoatRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerBoatRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126021_(C_290160_ p_300366_, C_1595_ p_126023_, C_1595_ p_126024_)
protected static void
c(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
chestBoat(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_42754(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_ujzbfodv(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerChestBoatRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerBoatWithChestRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_236371_(C_290160_ p_300411_, C_1595_ p_236373_, C_1595_ p_236374_)
private static RecipeBuilder
c(cpu arg0, cmg arg1)
buttonBuilder(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_33542(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
m_cevntqdn(C_gmbqjnle arg0, C_tcpsydrv arg1)
createTransmutationRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
createTransmutationRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_176658_(C_1595_ p_176659_, C_1462_ p_176660_)
protected static RecipeBuilder
a(cpu arg0, cmg arg1)
doorBuilder(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_33544(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
m_imrtvocr(C_gmbqjnle arg0, C_tcpsydrv arg1)
createDoorRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
createDoorRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_176670_(C_1595_ p_176671_, C_1462_ p_176672_)
private static RecipeBuilder
d(cpu arg0, cmg arg1)
fenceBuilder(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_33546(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
m_wjjrsouu(C_gmbqjnle arg0, C_tcpsydrv arg1)
createFenceRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
createFenceRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_176678_(C_1595_ p_176679_, C_1462_ p_176680_)
private static RecipeBuilder
e(cpu arg0, cmg arg1)
fenceGateBuilder(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_33548(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
m_ptqfrnhm(C_gmbqjnle arg0, C_tcpsydrv arg1)
createFenceGateRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
createFenceGateRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_176684_(C_1595_ p_176685_, C_1462_ p_176686_)
protected static void
d(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
pressurePlate(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_32813(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_osequygu(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerPressurePlateRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
createPressurePlateRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_176690_(C_290160_ p_299733_, C_1595_ p_176692_, C_1595_ p_176693_)
private static RecipeBuilder
c(ls arg0, cpu arg1, cmg arg2)
pressurePlateBuilder(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, Ingredient arg2)
method_32806(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1856 arg2)
m_wdrevrny(C_ehjomvtz arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_tcpsydrv arg2)
createPressurePlateRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
createPressurePlateRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_247347_(C_243442_ p_251447_, C_1595_ p_251989_, C_1462_ p_249211_)
protected static void
c(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, cpu arg3)
slab(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, ItemLike arg3)
method_32814(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_1935 arg3)
m_ycyoipzi(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_gmbqjnle arg3)
offerSlabRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerSlabRecipe(lt arg0, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_246658_(C_290160_ p_300089_, C_243442_ p_251848_, C_1595_ p_249368_, C_1595_ p_252133_)
protected static RecipeBuilder
a(ls arg0, cpu arg1, cmg arg2)
slabBuilder(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, Ingredient arg2)
method_32804(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1856 arg2)
m_hmwfocsb(C_ehjomvtz arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_tcpsydrv arg2)
createSlabRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
createSlabRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_247552_(C_243442_ p_251707_, C_1595_ p_251284_, C_1462_ p_248824_)
protected static RecipeBuilder
b(cpu arg0, cmg arg1)
stairBuilder(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_32808(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
m_lqsnzefz(C_gmbqjnle arg0, C_tcpsydrv arg1)
createStairsRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
createStairsRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_176710_(C_1595_ p_176711_, C_1462_ p_176712_)
private static RecipeBuilder
f(cpu arg0, cmg arg1)
trapdoorBuilder(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_33553(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
m_hzwwbihm(C_gmbqjnle arg0, C_tcpsydrv arg1)
createTrapdoorRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
createTrapdoorRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_176720_(C_1595_ p_176721_, C_1462_ p_176722_)
private static RecipeBuilder
g(cpu arg0, cmg arg1)
signBuilder(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_33555(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
m_gxdqyakv(C_gmbqjnle arg0, C_tcpsydrv arg1)
createSignRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
createSignRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_176726_(C_1595_ p_176727_, C_1462_ p_176728_)
protected static void
e(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
hangingSign(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_46208(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_vpbwsauu(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerHangingSignRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerHangingSignRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_246977_(C_290160_ p_300811_, C_1595_ p_252355_, C_1595_ p_250437_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, List<cja> arg1, List<cja> arg2, String arg3)
colorBlockWithDye(RecipeOutput arg0, List<Item> arg1, List<Item> arg2, String arg3)
method_51890(class_8790 arg0, List<class_1792> arg1, List<class_1792> arg2, String arg3)
m_iucuvoew(C_nykrdyol arg0, List<C_vorddnax> arg1, List<C_vorddnax> arg2, String arg3)
offerDyeableRecipes(RecipeExporter exporter, List<Item> dyes, List<Item> dyeables, String group)
offerDyingRecipes(lt arg0, List<Item> dyes, List<Item> items, String group)
m_289596_(C_290160_ p_297350_, List<C_1381_> p_289675_, List<C_1381_> p_289672_, String p_289641_)
protected static void
f(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
carpet(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_24885(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_msxlvezk(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerCarpetRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerCarpetRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_176716_(C_290160_ p_298709_, C_1595_ p_176718_, C_1595_ p_176719_)
protected static void
g(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
bedFromPlanksAndWool(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_24887(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_ptvahkvh(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerBedRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerBedRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126073_(C_290160_ p_300515_, C_1595_ p_126075_, C_1595_ p_126076_)
protected static void
h(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
banner(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_24889(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_eombplgf(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerBannerRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerBannerRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126081_(C_290160_ p_300693_, C_1595_ p_126083_, C_1595_ p_126084_)
protected static void
i(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
stainedGlassFromGlassAndDye(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_24890(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_tuwjtbzv(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerStainedGlassDyeingRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerStainedGlassDyeingRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126085_(C_290160_ p_297360_, C_1595_ p_126087_, C_1595_ p_126088_)
protected static void
j(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
stainedGlassPaneFromStainedGlass(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_24891(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_muuwfdav(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerStainedGlassPaneRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerStainedGlassPaneRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126089_(C_290160_ p_300949_, C_1595_ p_126091_, C_1595_ p_126092_)
protected static void
k(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
stainedGlassPaneFromGlassPaneAndDye(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_24892(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_qievuhum(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerStainedGlassPaneDyeingRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerStainedGlassPaneDyeingRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126093_(C_290160_ p_298776_, C_1595_ p_126095_, C_1595_ p_126096_)
protected static void
l(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
coloredTerracottaFromTerracottaAndDye(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_24893(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_bzlprwaa(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerTerracottaDyeingRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerTerracottaDyeingRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126097_(C_290160_ p_297522_, C_1595_ p_126099_, C_1595_ p_126100_)
protected static void
m(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
concretePowder(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_24894(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_hkpratmi(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerConcretePowderDyeingRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerConcretePowderDyeingRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126101_(C_290160_ p_300890_, C_1595_ p_126103_, C_1595_ p_126104_)
protected static void
n(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
candle(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_32233(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_huoqnbho(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerCandleDyeingRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerCandleDyeingRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_176542_(C_290160_ p_299296_, C_1595_ p_176544_, C_1595_ p_176545_)
protected static void
d(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, cpu arg3)
wall(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, ItemLike arg3)
method_32809(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_1935 arg3)
m_oazscnar(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_gmbqjnle arg3)
offerWallRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerWallRecipe(lt arg0, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_246382_(C_290160_ p_298550_, C_243442_ p_251148_, C_1595_ p_250499_, C_1595_ p_249970_)
private static RecipeBuilder
d(ls arg0, cpu arg1, cmg arg2)
wallBuilder(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, Ingredient arg2)
method_33531(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1856 arg2)
m_cbnkshrw(C_ehjomvtz arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_tcpsydrv arg2)
getWallRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
getWallRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_245864_(C_243442_ p_249083_, C_1595_ p_250754_, C_1462_ p_250311_)
protected static void
e(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, cpu arg3)
polished(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, ItemLike arg3)
method_32810(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_1935 arg3)
m_cwneqlne(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_gmbqjnle arg3)
offerPolishedStoneRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerPolishedStoneRecipe(lt arg0, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_245931_(C_290160_ p_300055_, C_243442_ p_248719_, C_1595_ p_250032_, C_1595_ p_250021_)
private static RecipeBuilder
e(ls arg0, cpu arg1, cmg arg2)
polishedBuilder(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, Ingredient arg2)
method_33537(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1856 arg2)
m_hzvjrwra(C_ehjomvtz arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_tcpsydrv arg2)
createCondensingRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
createCondensingRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_247174_(C_243442_ p_249131_, C_1595_ p_251242_, C_1462_ p_251412_)
protected static void
f(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, cpu arg3)
cut(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, ItemLike arg3)
method_32811(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_1935 arg3)
m_vwbqjbdd(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_gmbqjnle arg3)
offerCutCopperRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerCutCopperRecipe(lt arg0, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_247059_(C_290160_ p_297773_, C_243442_ p_252306_, C_1595_ p_249686_, C_1595_ p_251100_)
private static ShapedRecipeBuilder
f(ls arg0, cpu arg1, cmg arg2)
cutBuilder(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, Ingredient arg2)
method_36547(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1856 arg2)
m_uaxwqgkz(C_ehjomvtz arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_tcpsydrv arg2)
createCutCopperRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
createCutCopperRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_245792_(C_243442_ p_250895_, C_1595_ p_251147_, C_1462_ p_251563_)
protected static void
g(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, cpu arg3)
chiseled(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, ItemLike arg3)
method_32812(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_1935 arg3)
m_asmngric(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_gmbqjnle arg3)
offerChiseledBlockRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerChiseledBlockRecipe(lt arg0, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_246222_(C_290160_ p_301222_, C_243442_ p_251604_, C_1595_ p_251049_, C_1595_ p_252267_)
protected static void
h(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, cpu arg3)
mosaicBuilder(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, ItemLike arg3)
method_46212(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_1935 arg3)
m_wqcrileb(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_gmbqjnle arg3)
offerMosaicRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerMosaicRecipe(lt arg0, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_247239_(C_290160_ p_298750_, C_243442_ p_248788_, C_1595_ p_251925_, C_1595_ p_252242_)
protected static ShapedRecipeBuilder
b(ls arg0, cpu arg1, cmg arg2)
chiseledBuilder(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, Ingredient arg2)
method_32805(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1856 arg2)
m_benkunxz(C_ehjomvtz arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_tcpsydrv arg2)
createChiseledBlockRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
createChiseledBlockRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_246451_(C_243442_ p_251755_, C_1595_ p_249782_, C_1462_ p_250087_)
protected static void
i(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, cpu arg3)
stonecutterResultFromBase(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, ItemLike arg3)
method_33717(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_1935 arg3)
m_wwenbrjj(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_gmbqjnle arg3)
offerStonecuttingRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_247298_(C_290160_ p_299266_, C_243442_ p_250609_, C_1595_ p_251254_, C_1595_ p_249666_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, cpu arg3, int arg4)
stonecutterResultFromBase(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, ItemLike arg3, int arg4)
method_33715(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_1935 arg3, int arg4)
m_oaxthzyf(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_gmbqjnle arg3, int arg4)
offerStonecuttingRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input, int count)
m_247600_(C_290160_ p_300991_, C_243442_ p_248911_, C_1595_ p_251265_, C_1595_ p_250033_, int p_301035_)
private static void
p(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
smeltingResultFromBase(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_34662(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_phjuqblk(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerCrackingRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
offerCrackingRecipe(lt arg0, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_176739_(C_290160_ p_298757_, C_1595_ p_176741_, C_1595_ p_176742_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, ls arg3, cpu arg4)
nineBlockStorageRecipes(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, RecipeCategory arg3, ItemLike arg4)
method_36325(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_7800 arg3, class_1935 arg4)
m_tszkfmvj(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_ehjomvtz arg3, C_gmbqjnle arg4)
offerReversibleCompactingRecipes(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory reverseCategory, ItemConvertible baseItem, RecipeCategory compactingCategory, ItemConvertible compactItem)
m_247655_(C_290160_ p_298715_, C_243442_ p_251203_, C_1595_ p_251689_, C_243442_ p_251376_, C_1595_ p_248771_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, ls arg3, cpu arg4, String arg5, String arg6)
nineBlockStorageRecipesWithCustomPacking(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, RecipeCategory arg3, ItemLike arg4, String arg5, String arg6)
method_36446(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_7800 arg3, class_1935 arg4, String arg5, String arg6)
m_idfqbypq(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_ehjomvtz arg3, C_gmbqjnle arg4, String arg5, String arg6)
offerReversibleCompactingRecipesWithCompactingRecipeGroup(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory reverseCategory, ItemConvertible baseItem, RecipeCategory compactingCategory, ItemConvertible compactItem, String compactingId, String compactingGroup)
offerReversibleCompactingRecipesWithCompactedItemGroup(lt arg0, RecipeCategory baseCategory, ItemConvertible compacted, RecipeCategory compactCategory, ItemConvertible input, String compactedItemId, String compactedItemGroup)
m_246075_(C_290160_ p_300453_, C_243442_ p_250885_, C_1595_ p_251651_, C_243442_ p_250874_, C_1595_ p_248576_, String p_250171_, String p_249386_)
protected static void
b(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, ls arg3, cpu arg4, String arg5, String arg6)
nineBlockStorageRecipesRecipesWithCustomUnpacking(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, RecipeCategory arg3, ItemLike arg4, String arg5, String arg6)
method_36449(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_7800 arg3, class_1935 arg4, String arg5, String arg6)
m_jgwzllup(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_ehjomvtz arg3, C_gmbqjnle arg4, String arg5, String arg6)
offerReversibleCompactingRecipesWithReverseRecipeGroup(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory reverseCategory, ItemConvertible baseItem, RecipeCategory compactingCategory, ItemConvertible compactItem, String reverseId, String reverseGroup)
offerReversibleCompactingRecipesWithInputItemGroup(lt arg0, RecipeCategory baseCategory, ItemConvertible input, RecipeCategory compactCategory, ItemConvertible compacted, String inputItemId, String inputItemGroup)
m_245261_(C_290160_ p_298590_, C_243442_ p_248979_, C_1595_ p_249101_, C_243442_ p_252036_, C_1595_ p_250886_, String p_248768_, String p_250847_)
private static void
a(lt arg0, ls arg1, cpu arg2, ls arg3, cpu arg4, String arg5, String arg6, String arg7, String arg8)
nineBlockStorageRecipes(RecipeOutput arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, RecipeCategory arg3, ItemLike arg4, String arg5, String arg6, String arg7, String arg8)
method_36447(class_8790 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, class_7800 arg3, class_1935 arg4, String arg5, String arg6, String arg7, String arg8)
m_qgcuptpd(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_ehjomvtz arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2, C_ehjomvtz arg3, C_gmbqjnle arg4, String arg5, String arg6, String arg7, String arg8)
offerReversibleCompactingRecipes(RecipeExporter exporter, RecipeCategory reverseCategory, ItemConvertible baseItem, RecipeCategory compactingCategory, ItemConvertible compactItem, String compactingId, String compactingGroup, String reverseId, String reverseGroup)
m_247368_(C_290160_ p_298159_, C_243442_ p_250083_, C_1595_ p_250042_, C_243442_ p_248977_, C_1595_ p_251911_, String p_250475_, String p_248641_, String p_252237_, String p_250414_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, cpu arg1, aqh<cja> arg2)
copySmithingTemplate(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, TagKey<Item> arg2)
method_48532(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_6862<class_1792> arg2)
m_mpigxzco(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_ednuhnnn<C_vorddnax> arg2)
offerSmithingTemplateCopyingRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible template, TagKey<Item> resource)
m_266438_(C_290160_ p_299385_, C_1595_ p_267133_, C_203208_<C_1381_> p_298808_)
protected static void
o(lt arg0, cpu arg1, cpu arg2)
copySmithingTemplate(RecipeOutput arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_48533(class_8790 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
m_dqtpfhfx(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1, C_gmbqjnle arg2)
offerSmithingTemplateCopyingRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, ItemConvertible template, ItemConvertible resource)
m_266564_(C_290160_ p_300831_, C_1595_ p_266974_, C_1595_ p_298586_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, String arg1, cmm<? extends clr> arg2, int arg3)
cookRecipes(RecipeOutput arg0, String arg1, RecipeSerializer<? extends AbstractCookingRecipe> arg2, int arg3)
method_17585(class_8790 arg0, String arg1, class_1865<? extends class_1874> arg2, int arg3)
m_pcsjmmaj(C_nykrdyol arg0, String arg1, C_xfxrkzjt<? extends C_hpjdwiwu> arg2, int arg3)
generateCookingRecipes(RecipeExporter exporter, String cooker, RecipeSerializer<? extends AbstractCookingRecipe> serializer, int cookingTime)
generateCookingRecipes(lt arg0, String cooker, RecipeSerializer<? extends AbstractCookingRecipe> serializer, int cookingTime)
m_126006_(C_290160_ p_298337_, String p_126008_, C_1471_<? extends C_1451_> p_250529_, int p_126010_)
private static void
a(lt arg0, String arg1, cmm<? extends clr> arg2, int arg3, cpu arg4, cpu arg5, float arg6)
simpleCookingRecipe(RecipeOutput arg0, String arg1, RecipeSerializer<? extends AbstractCookingRecipe> arg2, int arg3, ItemLike arg4, ItemLike arg5, float arg6)
method_36448(class_8790 arg0, String arg1, class_1865<? extends class_1874> arg2, int arg3, class_1935 arg4, class_1935 arg5, float arg6)
m_gysvdmot(C_nykrdyol arg0, String arg1, C_xfxrkzjt<? extends C_hpjdwiwu> arg2, int arg3, C_gmbqjnle arg4, C_gmbqjnle arg5, float arg6)
offerFoodCookingRecipe(RecipeExporter exporter, String cooker, RecipeSerializer<? extends AbstractCookingRecipe> serializer, int cookingTime, ItemConvertible input, ItemConvertible output, float experience)
offerCookingRecipe(lt arg0, String cooker, RecipeSerializer<? extends AbstractCookingRecipe> serializer, int cookingTime, ItemConvertible input, ItemConvertible output, float experience)
m_247434_(C_290160_ p_301359_, String p_249709_, C_1471_<? extends C_1451_> p_251876_, int p_249258_, C_1595_ p_250669_, C_1595_ p_250224_, float p_252138_)
protected static void
b(lt arg0)
waxRecipes(RecipeOutput arg0)
method_34854(class_8790 arg0)
m_rlhnvyqd(C_nykrdyol arg0)
offerWaxingRecipes(RecipeExporter exporter)
offerWaxingRecipes(lt arg0)
m_176610_(C_290160_ p_298400_)
protected static void
a(lt arg0, jf arg1)
generateRecipes(RecipeOutput arg0, BlockFamily arg1)
method_33535(class_8790 arg0, class_5794 arg1)
m_acjyothp(C_nykrdyol arg0, C_eonlnchv arg1)
generateFamily(RecipeExporter exporter, BlockFamily family)
generateFamily(lt arg0, BlockFamily family)
m_176580_(C_290160_ p_299904_, C_141796_ p_176582_)
private static Block
a(jf arg0, jf$b arg1)
getBaseBlock(BlockFamily arg0, BlockFamily$Variant arg1)
method_33533(class_5794 arg0, class_5794$class_5796 arg1)
m_kekvugqk(C_eonlnchv arg0, C_eonlnchv$C_gtxnbiam arg1)
getVariantRecipeInput(BlockFamily family, BlockFamily$Variant variant)
getVariantRecipeInput(BlockFamily family, BlockFamily$Variant variant)
m_176523_(C_141796_ p_176524_, C_141796_$C_141798_ p_176525_)
private static Criterion<EnterBlockTrigger$TriggerInstance>
a(csv arg0)
insideOf(Block arg0)
method_10422(class_2248 arg0)
m_rioocmvv(C_mmxmpdoq arg0)
requireEnteringFluid(Block block)
requireEnteringFluid(Block block)
m_125979_(C_1706_ p_125980_)
private static Criterion<InventoryChangeTrigger$TriggerInstance>
a(cl$d arg0, cpu arg1)
has(MinMaxBounds$Ints arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_35914(class_2096$class_2100 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
m_sohsqjcq(C_nihhkamy$C_mujuochb arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1)
conditionsFromItem(NumberRange$IntRange count, ItemConvertible item)
m_176520_(C_1863_$C_1867_ p_176521_, C_1595_ p_176522_)
protected static Criterion<InventoryChangeTrigger$TriggerInstance>
a(cpu arg0)
has(ItemLike arg0)
method_10426(class_1935 arg0)
m_dyvenyat(C_gmbqjnle arg0)
conditionsFromItem(ItemConvertible item)
m_206406_(C_1595_ p_298497_)
protected static Criterion<InventoryChangeTrigger$TriggerInstance>
a(aqh<cja> arg0)
has(TagKey<Item> arg0)
method_10420(class_6862<class_1792> arg0)
m_hgqabtqe(C_ednuhnnn<C_vorddnax> arg0)
conditionsFromTag(TagKey<Item> tag)
m_125977_(C_203208_<C_1381_> p_299059_)
private static Criterion<InventoryChangeTrigger$TriggerInstance>
a(cb$a... arg0)
inventoryTrigger(ItemPredicate$Builder... arg0)
method_53499(class_2073$class_2074... arg0)
m_dcvcfyhn(C_afravpde$C_qwujnjpk... arg0)
conditionsFromPredicates(ItemPredicate$Builder... predicates)
m_126011_(C_1529_$C_1530_... p_299527_)
private static Criterion<InventoryChangeTrigger$TriggerInstance>
a(cb... arg0)
inventoryTrigger(ItemPredicate... arg0)
method_10423(class_2073... arg0)
m_kcadvvlk(C_afravpde... arg0)
conditionsFromItemPredicates(ItemPredicate... predicates)
m_293546_(C_1529_... p_297226_)
protected static String
b(cpu arg0)
getHasName(ItemLike arg0)
method_32807(class_1935 arg0)
m_gzugajwu(C_gmbqjnle arg0)
hasItem(ItemConvertible item)
hasItem(ItemConvertible item)
m_176602_(C_1595_ p_176603_)
protected static String
c(cpu arg0)
getItemName(ItemLike arg0)
method_33716(class_1935 arg0)
m_bwychucx(C_gmbqjnle arg0)
getItemPath(ItemConvertible item)
getItemPath(ItemConvertible item)
m_176632_(C_1595_ p_176633_)
protected static String
d(cpu arg0)
getSimpleRecipeName(ItemLike arg0)
method_36450(class_1935 arg0)
m_gxdbdkxh(C_gmbqjnle arg0)
getRecipeName(ItemConvertible item)
getRecipeName(ItemConvertible item)
m_176644_(C_1595_ p_176645_)
protected static String
a(cpu arg0, cpu arg1)
getConversionRecipeName(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_33714(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
m_ktbgwdbs(C_gmbqjnle arg0, C_gmbqjnle arg1)
convertBetween(ItemConvertible to, ItemConvertible from)
convertBetween(ItemConvertible from, ItemConvertible to)
m_176517_(C_1595_ p_176518_, C_1595_ p_176519_)
protected static String
e(cpu arg0)
getSmeltingRecipeName(ItemLike arg0)
method_36451(class_1935 arg0)
m_jknpelyf(C_gmbqjnle arg0)
getSmeltingItemPath(ItemConvertible item)
getSmeltingItemPath(ItemConvertible item)
m_176656_(C_1595_ p_176657_)
protected static String
f(cpu arg0)
getBlastingRecipeName(ItemLike arg0)
method_36452(class_1935 arg0)
m_trknohlj(C_gmbqjnle arg0)
getBlastingItemPath(ItemConvertible item)
getBlastingItemPath(ItemConvertible item)
m_176668_(C_1595_ p_176669_)
public final String