public interface BlockGetter

extends LevelHeightAccessor


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
c_(jh arg0)
getBlockEntity(BlockPos arg0)
method_8321(class_2338 arg0)
m_jakjlsko(C_hynzadkk arg0)
getBlockEntity(BlockPos pos)
getBlockEntity(BlockPos pos)
m_7702_(C_4675_ arg0)
default <T extends BlockEntity> Optional<T>
a(jh arg0, duz<T> arg1)
getBlockEntity(BlockPos arg0, BlockEntityType<T> arg1)
method_35230(class_2338 arg0, class_2591<T> arg1)
m_mfgvkamg(C_hynzadkk arg0, C_wgqvodus<T> arg1)
getBlockEntity(BlockPos pos, BlockEntityType<T> type)
getBlockEntity(BlockPos pos, BlockEntityType<T> type)
m_141902_(C_4675_ p_151368_, C_1992_<T> arg1)
a_(jh arg0)
getBlockState(BlockPos arg0)
method_8320(class_2338 arg0)
m_cwgupilf(C_hynzadkk arg0)
getBlockState(BlockPos pos)
getBlockState(BlockPos pos)
m_8055_(C_4675_ arg0)
b_(jh arg0)
getFluidState(BlockPos arg0)
method_8316(class_2338 arg0)
m_ldbsxred(C_hynzadkk arg0)
getFluidState(BlockPos pos)
getFluidState(BlockPos pos)
m_6425_(C_4675_ arg0)
default int
i(jh arg0)
getLightEmission(BlockPos arg0)
method_8317(class_2338 arg0)
m_ojamqnsd(C_hynzadkk arg0)
getLuminance(BlockPos pos)
getLuminance(BlockPos pos)
m_7146_(C_4675_ arg0)
default Stream<BlockState>
a(fbt arg0)
getBlockStates(AABB arg0)
method_29546(class_238 arg0)
m_zqixworh(C_hbcjzgoe arg0)
getStatesInBox(Box box)
getStatesInBox(Box box)
m_45556_(C_3040_ arg0)
default BlockHitResult
a(dgp arg0)
isBlockInLine(ClipBlockStateContext arg0)
method_32880(class_5702 arg0)
m_uzheryie(C_rvvvywqd arg0)
raycast(BlockStateRaycastContext context)
raycast(BlockStateRaycastContext context)
m_151353_(C_141182_ arg0)
default BlockHitResult
a(dgq arg0)
clip(ClipContext arg0)
method_17742(class_3959 arg0)
m_rdqtwupg(C_uyikqwzv arg0)
raycast(RaycastContext context)
raycast(RaycastContext context)
m_45547_(C_1565_ arg0)
default BlockHitResult
a(fby arg0, fby arg1, jh arg2, fcs arg3, dxv arg4)
clipWithInteractionOverride(Vec3 arg0, Vec3 arg1, BlockPos arg2, VoxelShape arg3, BlockState arg4)
method_17745(class_243 arg0, class_243 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_265 arg3, class_2680 arg4)
m_uqbtjvun(C_vgpupfxx arg0, C_vgpupfxx arg1, C_hynzadkk arg2, C_zscvhwbd arg3, C_txtbiemp arg4)
raycastBlock(Vec3d start, Vec3d end, BlockPos pos, VoxelShape shape, BlockState state)
raycastBlock(Vec3d start, Vec3d end, BlockPos pos, VoxelShape shape, BlockState state)
m_45558_(C_3046_ p_45560_, C_3046_ p_45561_, C_4675_ p_45562_, C_3072_ p_45563_, C_2064_ arg4)
default double
a(fcs arg0, Supplier<fcs> arg1)
getBlockFloorHeight(VoxelShape arg0, Supplier<VoxelShape> arg1)
method_30346(class_265 arg0, Supplier<class_265> arg1)
m_mkkwxrmy(C_zscvhwbd arg0, Supplier<C_zscvhwbd> arg1)
getDismountHeight(VoxelShape blockCollisionShape, Supplier<VoxelShape> belowBlockCollisionShapeGetter)
getDismountHeight(VoxelShape blockCollisionShape, Supplier<VoxelShape> belowBlockCollisionShapeGetter)
m_45564_(C_3072_ p_45566_, Supplier<C_3072_> arg1)
default double
j(jh arg0)
getBlockFloorHeight(BlockPos arg0)
method_30347(class_2338 arg0)
m_uahyytse(C_hynzadkk arg0)
getDismountHeight(BlockPos pos)
getDismountHeight(BlockPos pos)
m_45573_(C_4675_ arg0)
static <T, C> T
a(fby arg0, fby arg1, C arg2, BiFunction<C, jh, T> arg3, Function<C, T> arg4)
traverseBlocks(Vec3 arg0, Vec3 arg1, C arg2, BiFunction<C, BlockPos, T> arg3, Function<C, T> arg4)
method_17744(class_243 arg0, class_243 arg1, C arg2, BiFunction<C, class_2338, T> arg3, Function<C, T> arg4)
m_gpwzkbdj(C_vgpupfxx arg0, C_vgpupfxx arg1, C arg2, BiFunction<C, C_hynzadkk, T> arg3, Function<C, T> arg4)
raycast(Vec3d start, Vec3d end, C context, BiFunction<C, BlockPos, T> blockHitFactory, Function<C, T> missFactory)
raycast(Vec3d start, Vec3d end, C context, BiFunction<C, BlockPos, T> blockHitFactory, Function<C, T> missFactory)
m_151361_(C_3046_ p_151362_, C_3046_ p_151363_, C p_151364_, BiFunction<C, C_4675_, T> p_151365_, Function<C, T> p_151366_)
static Iterable<BlockPos>
a(fby arg0, fby arg1, fbt arg2)
boxTraverseBlocks(Vec3 arg0, Vec3 arg1, AABB arg2)
method_61714(class_243 arg0, class_243 arg1, class_238 arg2)
m_znghthms(C_vgpupfxx arg0, C_vgpupfxx arg1, C_hbcjzgoe arg2)
collectCollisionsBetween(Vec3d oldPos, Vec3d newPos, Box boundingBox)
collectCollisions(Vec3d startPos, Vec3d endPos, Box box)
m_356318_(C_3046_ p_365175_, C_3046_ p_365388_, C_3040_ p_364385_)
private static void
a(Set<jh> arg0, fby arg1, fby arg2, fbt arg3)
addCollisionsAlongTravel(Set<BlockPos> arg0, Vec3 arg1, Vec3 arg2, AABB arg3)
method_61715(Set<class_2338> arg0, class_243 arg1, class_243 arg2, class_238 arg3)
m_futnjlxi(Set<C_hynzadkk> arg0, C_vgpupfxx arg1, C_vgpupfxx arg2, C_hbcjzgoe arg3)
collectCollisionsBetween(Set<BlockPos> result, Vec3d oldPos, Vec3d newPos, Box boundingBox)
collectCollisions(Set<BlockPos> result, Vec3d startPos, Vec3d endPos, Box box)
m_354809_(Set<C_4675_> p_369132_, C_3046_ p_362149_, C_3046_ p_368644_, C_3040_ p_364725_)