
public class TeleportCommand


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
private static final com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.SimpleCommandExceptionType

Constructor summary

public ()

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public static void
a(com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher<et> arg0)
register(com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher<CommandSourceStack> arg0)
method_13760(com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher<class_2168> arg0)
m_zcfncxas(com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher<C_pennblrk> arg0)
register(com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher<ServerCommandSource> dispatcher)
register(com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher<ServerCommandSource> dispatcher)
m_139008_(com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher<C_2969_> p_139009_)
private static int
a(et arg0, Collection<? extends bsr> arg1, bsr arg2)
teleportToEntity(CommandSourceStack arg0, Collection<? extends Entity> arg1, Entity arg2)
method_13771(class_2168 arg0, Collection<? extends class_1297> arg1, class_1297 arg2)
m_hhgjausa(C_pennblrk arg0, Collection<? extends C_astfners> arg1, C_astfners arg2)
execute(ServerCommandSource source, Collection<? extends Entity> targets, Entity destination)
execute(ServerCommandSource source, Collection<? extends Entity> targets, Entity destination)
m_139032_(C_2969_ p_139033_, Collection<? extends C_507_> p_139034_, C_507_ p_139035_)
private static int
a(et arg0, Collection<? extends bsr> arg1, aqu arg2, gr arg3, gr arg4, aou$a arg5)
teleportToPos(CommandSourceStack arg0, Collection<? extends Entity> arg1, ServerLevel arg2, Coordinates arg3, Coordinates arg4, TeleportCommand$LookAt arg5)
method_13765(class_2168 arg0, Collection<? extends class_1297> arg1, class_3218 arg2, class_2267 arg3, class_2267 arg4, class_3143$class_3144 arg5)
m_wmhncpqv(C_pennblrk arg0, Collection<? extends C_astfners> arg1, C_bdwnwhiu arg2, C_tcbrdpxx arg3, C_tcbrdpxx arg4, C_uuhuojob$C_gcljvlur arg5)
execute(ServerCommandSource source, Collection<? extends Entity> targets, ServerWorld world, PosArgument location, PosArgument rotation, TeleportCommand$LookTarget facingLocation)
execute(ServerCommandSource source, Collection<? extends Entity> targets, ServerWorld world, PosArgument location, PosArgument rotation, TeleportCommand$LookTarget facingLocation)
m_139025_(C_2969_ p_139026_, Collection<? extends C_507_> p_139027_, C_12_ p_139028_, C_4546_ p_139029_, C_4546_ p_139030_, C_5384_$C_5385_ p_139031_)
private static String
a(double arg0)
formatDouble(double arg0)
method_36970(double arg0)
m_nrdmlhme(double arg0)
formatFloat(double d)
formatFloat(double d)
m_142775_(double p_142776_)
private static void
a(et arg0, bsr arg1, aqu arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5, Set<buc> arg6, float arg7, float arg8, aou$a arg9)
performTeleport(CommandSourceStack arg0, Entity arg1, ServerLevel arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5, Set<RelativeMovement> arg6, float arg7, float arg8, TeleportCommand$LookAt arg9)
method_13766(class_2168 arg0, class_1297 arg1, class_3218 arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5, Set<class_2709> arg6, float arg7, float arg8, class_3143$class_3144 arg9)
m_sahcouyt(C_pennblrk arg0, C_astfners arg1, C_bdwnwhiu arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5, Set<C_cxxvitxd> arg6, float arg7, float arg8, C_uuhuojob$C_gcljvlur arg9)
teleport(ServerCommandSource source, Entity target, ServerWorld world, double x, double y, double z, Set<PositionFlag> movementFlags, float yaw, float pitch, TeleportCommand$LookTarget facingLocation)
teleport(ServerCommandSource source, Entity target, ServerWorld world, double x, double y, double z, Set<MovementFlag> movementFlags, float yaw, float pitch, TeleportCommand$LookTarget facingLocation)
m_139014_(C_2969_ p_139015_, C_507_ p_139016_, C_12_ p_139017_, double p_139018_, double p_139020_, double p_139022_, Set<C_263615_> p_139024_, float arg7, float arg8, C_5384_$C_5385_ arg9)